
How do you recognise weak pelvic floor muscles?

Physiotherapy practice Benjamin Körtner


Asita Noachtar

Do you suffer from bladder weakness? Do you often have to get up at night to go to the toilet? Or is your bowel activity not what it used to be? These could all be signs that your pelvic floor muscles are too weak. Many people suffer from a weak pelvic floor and don't even know it. Simple exercises can help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and improve your quality of life. Find out here which symptoms can be used to identify a weak pelvic floor .

How do you recognise a weak pelvic floor?

  • Urinary and stress incontinence, for example when coughing, sneezing or doing sport
  • Pain in the pelvis and during urination
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Pain in the lower back, groin or hip without any other identifiable reason.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder or bowel.

Do you suffer from at least one of the above symptoms? Then it could be that you suffer from weak pelvic floor muscles. Symptoms such as urinary and faecal incontinence can have a major impact on the lives of sufferers because of the fear of "embarrassing mishaps". But this does not have to be the case. 

There are many exercises you can do to train your pelvic floor without much effort. Because if you train your pelvic floor muscles regularly, you can relieve symptoms such as pelvic pain and faecal or urinary incontinence in the long term.

How can you effectively train your pelvic floor?

There are various exercises that allow you to train your pelvic floor in the long term. In our blog post "You don't have much time? Pelvic floor exercises without spending much time" you will find some exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Would you like to learn more about your pelvic floor and receive helpful tips that you can implement in your everyday life to strengthen your pelvic floor? Then you are welcome to visit the Pelvic floor course course in our physiotherapy practice . In this course you will learn interesting facts about the structure and function of the pelvic floor and I will give you helpful tips that you can implement in your everyday life to strengthen your Pelvic floor muscles strengthen your pelvic floor. Together in the group, exercises are performed to strengthen the pelvic floor and thereby improve your quality of life. You can find out more about the pelvic floor course in the article "Weak pelvic floor? Why our pelvic floor course is the solution".

Relieve the symptoms of a weak pelvic floor or protect your body preventively

Don't act only when symptoms appear, but strengthen your pelvic floor muscles preventively. Prevent the consequences of a weak pelvic floor by doing regular exercises.

Don't hesitate and don't let weak pelvic floor muscles affect your life. Actively strengthen your pelvic floor and improve your quality of life. I will be happy to help you. 

Do you suffer from the consequences of a weak pelvic floor? Or would you like to preventively counteract weak pelvic floor muscles? Then please call our physiotherapy practice or make an appointment directly. make an appointment directly. Don't wait any longer and improve your quality of life today.

Yours, Asita Noachtar

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