
You have little time? pelvic floor exercises wiThout much time to spare

Physiotherapy practice Benjamin Körtner


Asita Noachtar

A weak pelvic floor can have unpleasant consequences for those affected and severely affect their quality of life. Urinary or faecal incontinence and pain in the pelvic floor can make everyday challenges such as shopping or going to work difficult and cause fear of unpleasant situations in those affected. However, regular training of the pelvic floor muscles can prevent this and provide more light-heartedness in life. 

To help you train your pelvic floor muscles, I'll introduce you to a few simple exercises that you can do without spending a lot of time to counteract a weak pelvic floor or alleviate existing consequences. 

1. consciously feel the pelvic floor muscles

In order for the exercises to help you effectively, it is important that you know exactly where your pelvic floor muscles are. To get a feel for your pelvic floor, you can try to interrupt the urine stream briefly at the end of urination. The muscles you use are those of the pelvic floor. This exercise is only to get to know your pelvic floor muscles and should not be done regularly as it can interfere with the reflex that serves to empty the bladder. 

2. simple tightening

This exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor can easily be done while sitting, for example while working in the office. Simply sit upright on a chair and consciously tense your pelvic floor without using other muscle groups. Tense your pelvic floor muscles for six to eight seconds and repeat the exercise up to ten times. 

3. standing exercise

For this exercise, stand upright and open your legs about hip-width apart. Place your hands on your buttocks. Now pull your pelvic floor muscles upwards and inwards. Your hands check that you are not using your buttocks. Repeat this exercise up to ten times. 

4. the bridge

For the bridge, lie on your back on a mat or carpet. Bend your legs and push your pelvis upwards while your upper body and feet continue to touch the floor. While maintaining this position, tense your pelvic floor muscles for about 5 seconds. Then remain in the bridge position and relax the muscles for 10 seconds. Repeat the process for about 5-10 minutes. Make sure you breathe regularly during the exercise.

5. cycling

Lie on a mat or carpet and bend your legs slightly. Take the same starting position as in the bridge exercise. Now stretch your legs upwards and ride a bicycle in the air. Perform these movements for about one minute and then take a short break. You can repeat this exercise three to four times. Again, make sure you breathe evenly during this exercise. 

To train your pelvic floor muscleseffectively, you can do the exercises several times a day. Just remember to take enough breaks so that you don't strain your body too much.

If you want to know more about your Pelvic floor and would like to get to know more exercises, then you are welcome to join us at the Pelvic floor course in our physiotherapy practice. You can find out more about this on our website or in the article "Weak pelvic floor? Why our pelvic floor course is the solution.

Don't wait any longer, train your pelvic floor muscles effectively. I hope the exercises can help you and facilitate your step into a carefree life. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours, Asita Noachtar

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