

Physiotherapy practice Benjamin Körtner


Benjamin Körtner

Do you suffer from pain when chewing? Speaking and laughing are a torture for you? The pain in your jaw prevents you from leading a carefree life? 

Temporomandibular joint pain is becoming more and more common and is a real torment for those affected. In most cases, it is not only the pain in the jaw that makes life difficult, but also accompanying symptoms such as tension and restricted movement of the chewing muscles. The quality of life of those affected suffers greatly, as even eating can be a real challenge. 

To avoid severe pain, the causes of TMJ pain should be treated quickly. In this blog article I will tell you what these causes can be. 

What causes can trigger temporomandibular joint pain?


Tension in the jaw is not uncommon and is often triggered by stress and mental strain. When we are stressed, we tense our whole body. Also our jaw. This tension then leads to jaw joint pain and often prevents sufferers from opening their mouth wide. This can be very stressful and, if left untreated, leads to more and more stress, which in turn leads to more pain. A real vicious circle, which is why rapid treatment is very important. 

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Teeth grinding at night can also lead to pain in the jaw joint. For example, mental stress or misalignment of the jaw can cause the muscles of the masticatory apparatus to tense up. The result is teeth grinding, which causes pain in the jaw and teeth. 

Malocclusion of the jaw (CMD)

With a malocclusion , the dentition of the affected person is shaped differently than most. Often, the malocclusion makes the dentition function worse and is more susceptible to damage. People with a malocclusion often grind their teeth and this again causes pain in the jaw joint. Treatment of the so-called craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is important to relieve the pain and improve the quality of life of those affected. 

How can a visit to our physiotherapy practice help relieve your pain?

Jaw misalignment and teeth grinding often not only affect the mouth, but can also be the cause of tension in the neck, head and back. Those affected often do not know that their pain is caused by the misalignment and so it remains untreated. However, treatment with CMD therapy could work wonders and greatly improve the patient's quality of life.

Through manual therapy, I or one of my competent colleagues will release the tensions in your body during CMD therapy and this will loosen your muscles. During the treatment we are in constant exchange with your dentist to help you in the best possible way.

So if you suffer from jaw misalignment, be sure to talk to your dentist and ask if CMD therapy at a physiotherapy practice would be useful for you.  

If CMD therapy is an option for you, then I will be happy to help you in our practice. Don't wait any longer and declare war on your pain. We will support you. 

Do you have questions about TMJ pain? Or would you like to know more about CMD therapy? Then make an appointment appointment in our physiotherapy practice or give us a call. We are happy to help.

Your Benjamin Körtner

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Then feel free to call Physiotherapy Practice Benjamin Körtner in Berlin Wilmersdorf or make an appointment directly.
