Manual therapy - Physiotherapy Benjamin Körtner
Headaches, neck or back pain make life difficult for you? Because of the pain you can hardly concentrate any more, let alone work properly? Does neck or back pain severely restrict your movements and make everyday life difficult? We would like to introduce you to a solution - manual therapy. You will learn individual exercises to help you improve your mobility in the long term, stabilise unstable joints and relieve pain. Noticeable success often already after the first treatment.
Manual therapy - Effective help for blockages and pain
If the interaction between joints, muscles and nerves is disturbed, this can lead to severe problems such as headaches, neck or back pain. Simple activities such as sitting or standing for long periods of time and even lying down are often a real challenge for those affected because of their pain. Concentration is reduced - work can no longer be done properly and sleep is often out of the question because the back hurts. This is often due to blockages in the spine or unstable joints. Because of the blockages, the body assumes a protective posture. This often leads to tension in the neck, shoulder and back area. You can suffer from pain in the neck, for example, although the cause lies elsewhere.
Our goal is not only to alleviate your symptoms, but to find and treat the cause of your problems. In our physiotherapy practice in Berlin Wilmersdorf, we are very familiar with this problem. We want to help you regain your mobility and relieve your pain with manual therapy. With special handgrip and mobilisation techniques, existing blockages can be released, unstable joints mobilised and pain alleviated or prevented. Don't wait until your pain becomes unbearable, but do something about it. We at Physiotherapie Körtner will be happy to help you.
We are gladly there for you and your concerns!
Mon - Fri:
08:00 - 20:00
Hohenzollerndamm 56, 14199 Berlin

Manual therapy | When does the treatment make sense?
Manual therapy | Diagnostics and treatment
First we talk in detail about your symptoms and medical history. Then we examine your joints and spine for blockages. Your well-being is our top priority. If there is a blockage, we treat it with manual therapy. In this way, we want to gently restore joint mobility, loosen blockages in the spine and relieve your pain.
After passive treatment by one of our physiotherapists, we will create an individual exercise plan for you that fits you and your symptoms exactly. The exercises are designed to help you stabilise unstable joints again so that you can avoid further pain and problems. Our goal is to improve your quality of life in the long term.
Manual therapy | Your advantages at a glance
Patients from our physical therapy practice share their experiences:
Manual therapy summarised for you
Other patients from our physiotherapy practice share their experiences:
Make an appointment in our physiotherapy practice now
Let us work together on your health and make an appointment with us today in the Physiotherapy Practice Benjamin Körtner in Berlin Wilmersdorf.